...to save lives 

...to save lives

Rehearsal for Picasso was... fun. It was fun. Strange...

Natalie apologized for "being a bitch" earlier. At first I acted pissed off... probably because I planned out how I would respond... but I couldn't stay mad at her. Especially when she's one of five or six people at a rehearsal. I definately like rehearsing in Schrauth's basement, though. It has a bar... and was easy to get into character in.

When exiting Schrauth's house, though, I looked across the street and saw a small, pitch black, horned figure there. Simply standing on the opposite side of the road, staring at me. I wasn't afraid... but I was intrigued. While I was alone in the car, when Justin went inside, I stared at it, and it didn't move at all. I looked away, once, to look at something in the car, and when I looked back it had crossed the street and was now standing still there, again staring at me. I focused my inner power and pushed it back, until it was back on the other side of the street.

Later, when I'd found out that Schrauth was taking me home and not JuJu, I went back inside. I was in Schrauth's car when I looked back and it was still standing there. I tried to focus my power to overcome it with energy, and it resisted. It made only one attempt to strike back at me. It blasted a feeble wave of a dark blue power at me, which I quickly dispersed. After that, I enveloped it's inner power source, and crushed it. It fell dead as we drove away, and I kept my inner mental image focused on it for a few minutes to see if it got back up. It didn't.

When I got home, I didn't feel anything like what I'd felt at Schrauth's house. I thought I did once, in my hallway between my two outside doors... but it was nothing. I still wander what it was... perhaps I'll see it again sometime... or something else like it... or something more powerful.

Jess... how is Friday, to hang out? I'd like to...

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Comment Yeah, you can have them. There was a pair in the dungeon already, but I think I'll replace them. Hee. And I'm sure you've already figured this out, but I'm not going to be at school today. I started throwing up again- however, I feel fine now, so hopefully its the last of my problems. Please call me later.

Wed Apr 21, 2004 8:45 am MST by Jess

Comment Jess, I was reading through the DM guide, and there are a pair of goggles that provide darkvision 60 feet. Since, being an elf, I already have low-light vision... can I start play with these instead of the potions I have? Really, I just like the idea of my nerdy craft mage having these cool goggles... In fact, I don't even need the darkvision... I just want the goggles... (but the darkvision would be cool too)

Tue Apr 20, 2004 8:29 pm MST by Shadow

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