You could get extra points by straining them together... 

You could get extra points by straining them together...

Wow. I rented Bloodthirst, Legend of the Chupacabra and Justin and I watched it... it was the most terrible movie I've ever seen... but in that sense, it was AWESOME! Oh, my god... it was so bad... Jess, if we hang out tomorrow, I really think you should watch this... it's great!

Speaking of which, are we hanging out tomorrow? I'd really like to...

Jeez, that movie was bad. I mean... it didn't even try to redeem itself with nudity or anything... of course, it was rated PS-M or whatever... *sigh* weird.

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Comment lol oh ya that movie was sooooooo bad and yet sooo funny! lol we couldn't stop laughing. lol Jess you need to see it. lol

Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:45 pm MST by Dart

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